Author: Olivér Gábor


(Summa Aethologica Intelligentiae Artificialis)[I]



We have been looking at the stars longingly for millennia.[II] In the depths of our souls, we have always felt that where we live, the Garden of Eden called the Earth is just the beginning. An incubator from which we will have to move on sooner or later. Desires toward the stars are probably not mistaken, as evolution goes on and even weaves bigger plans, but not necessarily as we imagine. For a long time we held within us the great dream of the ancient Greeks that man is a measure of all the things.[III] We thought we would be the ones to grow out of this planet.[IV] But once this belief is ending, or at least modified. Over time, the chances of today’s people staying at the forefront of development without change are diminishing. Evolution with or without us, but it continues. And what may surpass us is not so much in appearance as in the field of reason does it. So, in the end, it is not man but intelligence that will symbolically leave the Earth (ad astra). It is up to us whether or not we will be part of this intelligence? When we reach the space, the earlier universe models become obsolete, and for physical bodies it will be meaningless for a long time to talk about interstellar and especially intergalactic space travel. Adapting to new universum models, the informations on the cosmos will be captured through the study of electromagnetic as well as gravitational waves, [V] and it will be manifestated mostly in virtual models.





[I] St. Thomas of Aquino substantiated the existence of God with 5 reasonable arguments under searching of the ultimate meaning of things in the Summary of Theology (Summa Theologiae 1265-1272). In his testimony, he found that faith and knowledge do not contradict each other, since both come from God. In his work, Summary of Technology (Summa Technologiae 1963), Stanisław Lem no longer dealt with faith and not with the present, but researched the future of humanity and science. The present writing (Summa Aethologica Intelligentiae Artificialis), with the help of evolutionary experiences, as a kind of fate analysis (Szondi 1944), tries to recognize the nature of the development of artificial intellect on Earth by exploring the plan inherent in the fate of the intellect (Hargitai 2004 380). The mind of man is capable of anything-because everything is in it, all the past as well as all the future. (Conrad 1902) But what else would the psychohistory invented by Isaac Asimov be? (Asimov 1951) More rationally, it is important to have a digital vision and existence strategy (Dell Technologies 2017).


[II] The desire for the stars was given up by only a few like St. Augustine: …nor care I to know the courses of the stars….(Confessiones. X/XXXV. ford. Városi I.)


[III] Protagoras: homo mensura; Platon: Theaitetos 151D-186E


[IV] The development of human technology is not a luxury demand, but a means of survival (Steels 1995 7). If scientific and technological development efforts do not effectively cease, then all important basic capabilities that could be obtained through some possible technology will be obtained. What we can imagine or can invent, one will do sooner or later. This is the technological completion conjecture (Bostrom 2009 190). This is in line with John Naisbitt's second megatrend, the constant compulsion of technical development (Naisbitt 1982).


[V] Sagan 1977 160